Finding Your Confidence

Confidence as an act of trust or a feeling of certainty or assurance, isn’t a stranger to most individuals; it can be associated with qualities like mental toughness, poise, grit, belief, courage, and heart.

As a rule, we want confidence for a purpose!  Importantly, our values underlying  confidence are what help give us our moral compass.

Self-confidence is considered one of the most influential motivators and regulators of behavior in people’s everyday lives (Bandura, 1986).

Change is a process that occurs over time: it requires work, exploration & experiential opportunities and reflection. Individuals accept change when they have confidence!


“True confidence arises once you  learn how to change your relationship to fear and use it to your advantage” Mark Twain.

Want to learn more about how you can shift your fears surrounding confidence?

Please contact me for more information!

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